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Well, it's that time again. Time to blame everyone and everything but ourselves for everything wrong with the world. That's right, ELECTION TIME IS NEAR! YAY! Unfortunately it's the same old B.S. from Washington and the candidates, with the mud slinging and the finger-pointing. And if I hear one more person talk about so-and-so's plan to "create jobs" blood is going to shoot out of my eyes... (sorry Glenn...) Those candidates can't create jobs! Business owners do that. How? By having the capital available to do so, by having less overhead in their operation to afford employees and by having a healthy economy in which people can afford to spend their hard earned money at said businesses. So how can your friendly Feds help here? Only one way to do it and that is to LOWER TAXES. That puts more money into the hands of everyone, including the feds! I understand why its so popular to jump on the "soak the rich" bandwagon, after all, why should they have all the money right? well they should have it because they know how to get it, they earned it and I HAVE NO RIGHT TO ANY OF IT. Likewise, nobody, including the feds, has any right to MY money. "Government Tax Dollars"? BULL, that money belongs to the people and we should no more take it from the rich to give to the poor (socialism) than we should take it from the taxpayer and give it to those who HAD money and either got greedy or were too stupid to keep their businesses solvent. The "bailout" last week is not only another in a string of steps towards socialism, it rewards bad behavior. Did we the people vote to go $700 Billion in the hole? I sure didn't. The fundamental problem here is this idea that we as citizens are somehow entitled to money, jobs, houses, cell phones or whetever. We are not entitled to ANYTHING except those rights as laid out in the Bill of Rights. Nowhere does it say that if your business is about to fail, or if your state spent too much money on illegals (that's you California, oh yea, $11 BILLION on that one alone last year....) that the federal government either has the power or the responsibility to "bail you out". I am sorry, but those businesses should be allowed to fail, and that is exactly what would happen if the free market was allowed to function properly without federal intervention. Just like we don't need Bush to tell us we all have to start burning corn in our cars, without any help from Uncle Sam when gas got expensive enough (probably around $10.00 Gallon) people will sure as $&!@ start using alternative fuels on their own. Instead of asking for yet more money to be pulled out of my @$$ to fund commie programs for illegals and whatever else they are wasting money on in California, how about they oh, I don't know... SPEND LESS! Just like I do when I don't have enough for what I want... And another thing! If I hear one more idiot talk about socialized health care I'm going to lose it more than I already have. Most of us already have coverage from our employers, do you really thing the people that brought us the DMV could do it any better? Please. And those that don't have insurance either don't want it (like myself for a long time. Why pay for something I don't use?) Or can't afford it. For the last group maybe if the feds didn't tax the crap out of us more could afford coverage on their own. And for those truly in need, they can even now use several options already provided for like Medicare, Medicaid etc. and as a last resort just go to the emergency room and sort it out later (not that I condone that, but you do what you gotta do...)
Ok, so here is my point tonight. Like most of you reading this, I want a REAL LEADER in the White House. It should be obvious that I am no democrat, but I don't consider myself to be a republican either. I do consider myself to be very conservative. I believe in the Constitution and what the Founding Fathers envisioned for our country. However more and more it seems that the constitution doesn't matter anymore, and the politicians seem to have everyone brainwashed about what is really in the Bill of Rights with all these entitlements everyone is so conditioned to expect these days. So this isn't a McCain vs. Obama rant, they seem more alike than different to me. This is about the direction our country is going, what it should and could mean to the world. I truly believe that the vast majority of Americans want the same basic things. A free, safe and prosperous nation in which we are able to live our own way without fighting amongst ourselves. With the ability, and more importantly, the will to except personal responsibility and take care of ourselves.
I'll leave you with that to chew on. A nice break from the "all airplanes all the time" blog you thought this was :o)
Bravo, well said!!!
Hear-hear!! Way-ta-go!
Amen to that, especially the taxes! Lower taxes will grow the economy, higher taxes will force companies to cut costs elsewhere leading to increased layoffs and continued economic decline.
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